Por: Laura Sánchez Salgado
Fecha: 31 de Mayo de 2018
Learning English as a foreign language gives us opportunities to create meaningful spaces and moments, which allow students to be in contact with a different culture, contexts and situations that they usually have. For that reason, as support and strengthening of the bilingualism project in 2018, the English team introduces to Maria Inmaculada School broadcasting, that is a tool that engages and motivates students to use English in a different context from the classroom, taking into account their preferences, likes and interests. The radio station is called “MaIn Radio Live, your views, your news your music”. The word MaIn makes allusion to Maria Inmaculada and also to the adjective main, because this is one of the principal tools for developing different activities in which students can use English in an interactive and fun way. Furthermore, through this strategy, teachers want to integrate our students from all levels to participate in different activities such as: listening to music, sending greetings, birthday wishes and advertising, talking about cultural aspects and participating in many contests that challenge their communicative skills in the foreign language. “Main Radio Live: your views, your news your music” is ours, Let’s enjoy it!,